Operation — Manual System

The Trac Skirt has a jig which can be easily fitted to any system to be able to just rotate the entire skirt board out at 90 degrees. 

Once rotated the jig locks in place at both ends of the board preventing the system from rotating until it is unlatched. 

Therefore, to unlatch the board to rotate it back into position two people are required. Both latches at either end need to be manually disengaged together for the board to move.  

The manual system is a cost effective solution providing all the key benefits of the Trac Skirt for the smaller transfers.   

(The use of the Trac itself comes into its own when there are large areas that need to be managed and plates changed such as screenhouses). 

Manual Removal Tool

Watch the below animation of the installation of the jig to be able to rotate the Skirt Board in place. (No Rails)

Connect with Trac Skirt International

Find out how to extend the life of your conveyor in the skirting area.