Operation — Sealing
The Trac skirt system can utilise your sealing arrangement but the sealing arrangement designed specifically for the system is proven.
The sealing arrangement allows for a thicker seal at the load area only (approx. 3 metres).
After this and where skirting is still in place, TSI utilises a thin seal no more than 2 mm held in place by magnets which is also part of the IP and innovation of the system.
The use of the thinner seal ensures that no material gets jammed between the skirt board and the seal creating a wear block wearing out the conveyor in the skirt line prematurely.
This thinner seal allows any material to run up through the skirting without jamming. The thinner seal actually gets to operate as a dust seal which is what is required.
Ongoing costs for the seal is greater then 50% cheaper than normal OEM sealing.